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Organizational Governance and Development

With a clear vision, strong and present leadership and a high precision in its deliveries there are prerequisites for a successful organization. In order to maintain its potential advantage to competitors or continuously meet the expectations of increasingly demanding stakeholders, it requires efficient management. Our consultants will always make sure that the answer to the questions; How are we performing today? (using scorecards & dashboards) Why? (based on analysis & reporting) What should we do? (applying budget, planning & forecasting) are defined.

Our experienced consultants will support you and your business to create the right conditions in terms of operational and environmental analyses, benchmarking, development of strategies and policies, organizational reviews, target orientation and control, performance management, production and program management.

We support you and your business in the production and development of indicators, KPIs and metrics, tools for monitoring and the change management in the form of core values and culture change processes as well as to implement changes.

Our consultants are experts in the development, implementation, and development of specific or integrated management systems, for example:

  • Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Sustainability.
  • Quality, environment, work environment, information security, business continuity management, etc.